M.V Beauchene

The M.V. Beauchene is a tugboat which is located on the site of the Haileybury Heritage Museum. It was built in 1952 by Russell-Hipwell Engines Limited of Owen Sound Ontario. It was purchased to work on the lower end of Lake Timiskaming and the upper Ottawa River.
The M.V. Beauchene was one of the 50 tug boats that operated between the years 1882-1965. For decades, it towed log booms to the various mills. Each spring, it was employed in “the sweep” collecting errant logs. Prior to its last run, it was used between Timiskaming, Quebec, and Mattawa, Ontario.
In 1991, it was hauled up onto the shore above the Otto-Holden or Lacave Dam. The Haileybury Heritage Museum purchased it in 1996, very damaged and in need of restoration. On June 22nd 1996 it managed to reach Haileybury under its own power.